May 6, 2010

The Meaning of CF family!

So Seth's tummy got very upset suddenly at school on Tuesday and he had a "big potty" accident right there in the middle of the school office while waiting to take his enzymes. Turns out he's been taking his enzymes before his meals and then not really eating therefore resulting in a seriously upset stomach and apparently "EXPLOSIVE DIAHREA!!". So anyway his teacher calls me and I'm rushing to get there with fresh clothes knowing that he is akwardly standing around with poopy pants awaiting his mom to come clean it (the joys of motherhood!). When I arrive at the nurses office he has been cleaned off and his clothes rinsed out, turns out another CF mom whos son also attends Seths school (but it in a seperate hall because of the age difference) happened to be volunteering at the front desk that day and understanding the situation took it upon herself to take care of a member of the "CF Family". Seth and I both know Kim so we were both comfortable and happy to have her there. I didn't expect to feel so emotional over what started off as a wordrobe change but it was really great to see a friendly face taking care of my baby the way I would and understanding in a way that so many others would not, that shit happens to CFers. Thanks Kim, and I promise if your kid ever needs it I will wipe his butt too!!! ;)

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