This was such a beautiful and busy weekend and we had so much fun!
Friday night we had dinner with pirates at the Musuem of the Albemarle which included dinner, games, music that the kids were able to participate in and of course Pirates! Saturday we had t-ball pics (which he could not have been any more handsome in with his beautiful hair and backwards hat) then a game. This is his third game and he finally seems to be getting the hang of it. He hit the ball both times at bat off the coaches pitch (that right t-ball no longer involves a tee, weird huh?!?) and even paid a little attention in the out field. So all in all I was a very proud mama ;-) We wanted to have lunch with daddy who was working that day but didn't have much time since we were due to volunteer at the potato festival at noon so we settled for a very romantic sandwich in the truck while Seth changed his clothes in the back seat! The festival was a blast we always see so many people we haven't seen in so long and Seth ran into several friends from school and of course his cousins. After 2 hours of volunteering and 1 hour of walking around buying this child everything in sight I was pooped and ready to head home, lucky for me he was pooped too so we found our way to our couch! All in all it was a really perfect day, hope you all enjoyed yours as well!