Mar 11, 2010

I no longer have a baby but A BIG BOY!

Seth is doing so great adjusting to his straw and has now gained 8lbs and is in the 85th percentile! We are getting used to the feedings and as a matter of fact he woke up before his feeding was done the other morning and instead of calling for me he just wheeled his IV pole into the bathroom then to the couch for some cartoons. I wish I had been able to film it happen but I was just so awe-struck seeing this beautiful strong BIG BOY over come this  opsticle. I know I've said it before but I just can't describe the pride I feel!

The top picture is Seth at his swimming lessons, he's loving them and doing great! He's wearing this swim shirt for protection (even though the Dr said it wasn't really neccessary) and just so he doesn't have to answer a lot of questions. However he is changing in the locker room with the other boys and he says no one but the adults had asked about it. And to their questions this was his reply.. "I need my straw to keep me healthy cause I really don't like to eat a lot." What a perfect answer!!!!
The other picture is proof that now matter how big they get all guys are really 5 yrs old in their minds!!!! I call this one "The guitar hero and his mini me!" 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Look at that double chin! LOOOVVVEEE IT! What a strong and brilliant boy! I just love him all to pieces!

I know you are so proud Beck!
