Jan 28, 2009

Collapsed lung

Seth has been sick with a cough and just lacking energy all during the Christmas holidays. The doctors simply put him on an oral antibiotic to see if that would help. On 1/3/2009 Seth told us that his chest hurt so of course we called and made an appointment for 1/5/2009. The doctor weighed him and found that Seth has lost about 2 1/2 lbs. now down to a little more than 37 lbs. and also took x-rays and found that Seth's right lower lung had collapsed. And of course we already knew that his left lung has permanent damage from where he was not diagnosised in time. Just when you think it can't get any scarier...it does. We were shocked that he was not admitted into the hospital but was given very intense treatment regiman for the next four weeks. He is taking four vest treatments a day and 8 treatments in his nebulizer. Combined it takes four hours a day and that is in addition to all of his oral medications. That may not sound so bad until you think that Seth is only 4 years old and typically has LOTS of energy. He is only awake about 10 hours a day and has to work in three meals, treatments and play time. His entire day is comsumed by his illness right now, not to mention what it does to his parents. We are so afraid of what may come next if this treatment doesn't work. Our next appointment is 1/30/2009, so please keep us in your prayers, and remember that we need to find a cure for this disease before it gets too late, so please give generously!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky, just wondering how Seth's check up was? Sorry to hear he has had such a hard time this winter, but praying that spring comes soon!